Update: This is mostly no longer true in the newest version of BMP! You do have to keep it within the proper octave range, but now you can use the All Tracks button to play multiple tracks of a MIDI at the same time!īut! The community has also done a lot of work in creating and sharing MIDIs! This means you will have to edit MIDIs to have just one track, play one note at a time, and fall within the proper octave range. Update: This is no longer true with the newest version of BMP! Turning on All Tracks gives you the ability to play more than one note at a time. Anything beyond that simply won’t register and play in game.

Then, just go and choose which keys to assign to which notes in the settings screen. What we want to do is check the box: Assign all notes to keyboard. By default, you probably won’t have the expanded keyboard - click the little gear icon in the top right of mini-keyboard that appears for settings. Just drag one down to your action bar, and click it to enter Performance Mode. Here you can view icons for the different instruments that are available. Once that’s done, you’ll see a section of the Action menu called Performance. You get the performance skill from a level 30 Bard-only quest next to the Amphitheater in Gridania. There’s just one more configuration you need to know about - that is binding your music keys in game. It does support a few levels of sub folders as well!
So, any system that requires me to actually know how to play is one I’m not likely to be able to use.
While I love music systems, I am not a musician, nor do I have input that allows me to play music on my PC (like a midi keyboard). abc files and hooking up to play as bands.

I have lots of fond memories of playing music in games such as LOTRO and Starbound - both which implemented a method of playing. And the community keeps coming up with ways to take the tools they’re given to make awesome things from it. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Though the devs have expanded on this system, it remains quite limited (more on this later). Not all that long ago, FFXIV introduced a very rudimentary music system for Bards.